Had to jump start Mary's car tonight. Battery wasn't completely dead so that makes me think it might just be due for replacement, but it could have been accidentally depleted. We're going to charge it up tomorrow and see how it does after that.
@matigo Is there a way to upload and embed a short (~3MB) mp4 video in 10C?I thought that had worked in the past when I tried uploading a couple short mp4 videos I had originally created on Instagram.
@matigo I still need to acquire at least one properly sized one for my face because the one I used today worked, but is too small for all day use. I plan to wear one at work for the foreseeable future when I go in, but I shouldn't have to go in too much this summer.
// @sumudu
Heh! Actually read the article and it wasn't talking about physical cash hoarding like when people took all their money out of banks back in the day- they used that term for spending less and putting more money into savings which is of course sensible behavior.
Cash hoarding is baffling to me. I use it so rarely and payment systems are so automated and computerized that I can't imagine a scenario where regular cash would still be viable when electronic payment isn't.
My office is normally pretty warm because of the proximity to our furnace and the extra desktop computers I've got running in here, but it feels cooler than usual this morning.
First short meeting of the day coming up. Pretty weird that next week is Finals Week.
Was up a little bit early this morning so I amused myself for a half hour by creating another Diablo 2 character. Now I have a Druid and a Barbarian that correspond to the two characters I typically play with on Icewind Dale.