I could really go for a nap right about now, but I don’t trust the weather enough to set up my hammock quite yet even though the rain has passed.

It's alive! So far so good post database restore. Giving the server a chance to run for a day, we'll see if anything unexpected pops up now.


Looks like I'm going to get rained on if I don't get my run in before 2pm. Overcast and breezy now. Just one of those days.

Waiting for a MySQL backup to restore so I can see if updating from 5.6 to 5.7 completely hosed the server application that depends on it. Then if everything works and is stable I've got to turnaround and do it again to get to 8 tomorrow.😐

About ready to call it a night. Productive day on several fronts, but more work to do tomorrow.

Thinking about getting in some hammock time this afternoon.

No dinner leftovers today, going to have to come up with something else for lunch.πŸ€”

πŸƒβ€β™‚ Pretty good evening run tonight. Glad I was able to wait for the rain to pass through.

Not when it's a heavy rain like it was briefly. If it's sprinkling I'm fine.


Well, I was thinking of going running pretty soon, but now it's raining pretty hard and I'm less enthused.😐

Guess I'll have a few Jelly Bellies and keep working for a while longer.πŸ€”