One last driving errand today (picking up my oldest daughter from her music lesson in a few minutes) and then I can fully hunker down for the night. Looking forward to watching some tv shows and not accomplishing very much at all.

I regretted only wearing a short sleeve t-shirt under my cold weather top on last night's run, we're definitely getting into double arm and triple torso layering territory now!

Earlier in the week it was well below freezing overnight and into the morning, but it's warmed to slightly above freezing. On the other hand for people doing stuff outside the windchill with these strong winds is equivalent to well into the 20s right now.

📺 The MST3K revival on Netflix must have really underperformed to get cancelled because I can't imagine that it cost them that much to produce relative to the other shows they do. I never watched it, but I don't recall Netflix algorithmically promoting it to me very much either.

seems like an external Logitech keyboard might have at least some user servicing potential, but worst case at least it's physically easy to replace.

Two pieces of climate change that have become more frequent in this area over the last 5 years: horrendous air quality in August because of forest fires and powerful wind storms in late November.

It was totally fine this morning. Played it safe and drove in on slower arterials rather the highway that's slightly more direct, but had no issues. Considered not coming into work because of the wind storm that started at about 2am and is supposed to get worse later.

Is it a built-in keyboard on a laptop or a standalone external one?

If the suspect tire is flat again this morning, I'll put the spare back on and drop the problem tire off at the tire shop on the way into work. My three other tires were also running pretty low so I added air to all of them while I rotated them.

One of my car's front tires was flat when I went to leave work Tuesday, but luckily my spare was fine. When I got home and inspected the flat tire I found no sign of a leak and was actually able to re-inflate it. Decided to rotate my tires and check it again in the morning.