Well, word count makes more sense actually. That was just my first guess at what I was seeing on some of the other archive pages out there.


Thanks, I'll experiment further. A secondary request for down the road when you're not too busy is switching my archive page to show post character counts rather than post number.


I've been copying the human readable format that the date/time field had in it to start with and it's properly reflected under the title next to edited by when I save the post. Here's what my very first post is set to: January 24th 1999 6:00 pm


Not a problem. I'm creating a new post on these, the dialog opens with the current date/time, I change it to the correct blog post date/time and save it, but it's still article/title-slug.



Beautiful November afternoon in Spokane. 📷

There goes the neighborhood! (Our house is off camera across the street to the right.) 📷

I found some v5 API documentation at docs.10centuries.org and it seems to be reasonably complete although there are some broken links. On a different note, how do we specify the permalink format for our blogs? I'm seeing a mix and I'd prefer the /YEAR/MO/DA/short-url form your blog uses to /article/short-url like it gave me for one I just imported manually.

No, is there some documentation you can direct me to?


Started manually importing some microblog posts from the beginning of 2019 today to further test out v5 today. I've been using a cobbled together system I came up with using blot.im [blot.im], DropBox and Drafts [getdrafts.com] for a few years, but I've never been entirely satisfied with my blog template options and I'm reducing my DropBox usage.

cool, thanks! Have you given any thought to Photo notes? Having a a section just for photos would be useful and that's also a type of microblog entry that I'd like to appear in my Archives page alongside articles and quotations.
