🏀 GU wins 97 - 69 over Texas Southern. Big shooting night for Perkins with six 3s.

🏀 Looks like there are 4 or 5 members of the Japanese media here to cover Rui Hachimura at the GU game tonight. He didn't start, but had a pretty good run when he came in during the first half.

Played with Aesprite [aesprite.org] at lunch a little bit after learning you can download and compile the full version. Seems pretty cool so far.

Looks like Twitter still hasn't deigned to give me 280 characters even with the most recent app update and policy announcement. I'm no longer creating new tweets that aren't specific @ replies as I transition to full microblog/blog mode though so no big whoop.


I thought this snowman was bending over to menace something on the ground, but it's actually doing a Matrix Bullet Dodge. 📷

Unusual how behind I am on my podcast listening queue; I was fairly behind last week and then I got sick. May just choose to skip some episodes which feels weird as a podcast completionist.

🍿 Watched Richard Donner's Superman for the first time in decades tonight. Two most unrealistic things to my modern mind: Lois Lane getting a personal helicopter ride to cover a story, and her swanky rooftop terrace apartment on a reporter's salary.

Transplanted a trackball I happily used at work for years up until a couple months ago and can't stand it at all at home because it has button driven scrolling. Baffled that this never bothered me on my work computer.


Sleet, snow, whatever! 📷

📚 Finally started reading American Kingpin this afternoon. It's definitely a page turner so far.