I'm impressed with how well the standard 10C web interface scales and works on my iPhone. I imagine you learned a lot building nice.social, but it was cool how painless uploading and posting a picture was.

good eye. I suspected you might recognize it based on your earlier laptop research this year. I think that model is a T420 maybe, but I'd have to check when I get home.

it is pretty cool, although sometimes I think he's too quick to look to me for assistance when he should try to figure out how to do what he wants himself (like I did at his age). It looks like he's off to a good start with LDD though. image.jpeg

Set up Lego Digital Designer on the laptop that our kids use because my 9-year-old son wants to print out instructions for something he built in the real world. Curious to see how successful he is at recreating what he's built.

I think probably the latter one, but I need to compare them again at icon size.

I listened to his most recent episode yesterday and will probably be going through the earlier episodes in the near future. He's hosting it on the new 10C infrastructure right?

// @jeremycherfas🎙

🏃 Time for a run: 10 minute warmup - 8K at 4:15/K - 10 minute cool down.

I'm just excited to see a two person electric under $15,000 US. Right now we're looking at $25,000 minimum for two seater electric Smart cars and more conventional designs like the Nissan Leaf are over $30,000.

I've been slowly easing into the text snippet life thanks to discovering the $5 aText app during the Smile TextExpander kerfuffle last week. Super useful and a great value.

yeah, I agree. I'm personally very interested in the podcasting and blog hosting capabilities being unified with the social aspect. I think that's a pretty unique value proposition compared to other services. A community of content creators connected by an integral social network is more appealing to me than a social network backend service like ADN.
// @matigo🎙