
Time flies when you're having fun! 📷

🏃 Thought I was in trouble for my run when I saw it was 75°F outside, but then I remembered I did in fact pack a regular t-shirt in addition to the long sleeved one I originally grabbed.


Goodbye Office! (getting remodeled out of existence tomorrow)📷

📺 Watched the first episode of Netflix's Voltron update with the older kids (and later the young ones when they finished their bath). Everyone seemed to like it and I'd forgotten all of the laugh out loud moments. Old fan take: same awesome lions with better writing and animation.

Making progress on my office move. Have to be completely out by Thursday morning at 8am, but I don't think that should be a problem. I'll stay as late as I need to tomorrow.

Delving into mustache templating [mustache.github.io] again as I contemplate finally straightening out my blog and feed templates to work with micro.blog [micro.blog]and other platforms.

The rss date issue I complained about for Inoreader is an architectural issue that is most obvious for feeds that were not previously in their system. Date stamps are manipulatable, but load times are immutable. Once feeds are in and getting scanned it's less of an issue.

Now that the next remodel phase at work is ramping up even my (soon to be gone) office is getting noisy as they tear down adjacent rooms. Just waiting for my temporary destination to be ready to move into.

roductive weekend: did a bunch of yard work, got in a couple easy runs, and installed a new light fixture. Still a few more things to wrap up by the end of the month though.

Inoreader seems to do something I find maddening- it doesn't provide post date stamps, but rather client load time. The web interface provides a setting to change this, but it doesn't seem to change what clients show. I'm going to continue testing, but this is a deal breaker.