What a Week for WSU Athletics!

Last week ended up being pretty incredible for WSU Athletics:

So tons of stuff worth reading about and filing away for posterity. WSU soccer was one of my favorite sports to attend during my time at Pullman and it's been awesome to see them slowly but surely grow into one of the most consistently excellent programs at WSU. It was cool to hear that Klay Thompson made a joke about the only press coverage when he played being Vince Grippi 1, whose work for the Spokesman I've been a fan of since his time working the high school beat and particularly once he started covering the Cougars. I'm also really happy to see WSU basketball on the upswing again after the post Tony Bennett2 downturn.

  1. And Ferris girls basketball assistant this season.

  2. Who I have all the respect in the world for, but always felt pretty jaded about compared to Cougar Nation at the time and I think a lot less bitter when he predictably left.