on the flip side that 99% conviction rate depends on prosecutors being very selective and they were clearly on a fishing expedition that took advantage of your non-native background and lack of in country support network.


Took the day off from work today for a really fun, surprise 80th birthday party for my mother-in-law. We hosted and all of the grandkids and both of my wife's siblings made it over from the west side of the state just in time for the party!

Now that the Studio is here I suspect that there won't be any iMacs with a pro chip going forward.


I'm old enough to remember when pre-Tim-Cook Apple regularly had pretty bad product delivery delays, but this seems quite a bit worse. I doubt we're going to get back to anything close to the efficiency we saw over the last decade for a long time to come.



I've been exploring the tildeverse [tildeverse.org] and gemini protocol [gemini.circumlunar.space] sites in particular over the last month or so. The minimalist aesthetic and smaller communities appeal to me and Lagrange [github.com] is an impressive cross platform gemini client.



Kind of annoyed with myself for not noticing for 12 hours.🙄 But very relieved and glad you're back home.


🧙‍♂ Expressive Iteration and Winota just got banned in Pioneer and by extension Explorer. Not really a fan of Wizard's approach to "improving" these formats at all so far.

They were actually looking to trade in an almost new Subaru Impreza that has improbably high market value right now, but not great city driving gas mileage. Interesting times.


On a related note one of my coworkers was looking into getting a Toyota hybrid and as of last weekend Toyota USA basically said nothing before Feburary 2023.



🧙‍♂ Picked up two Lightning Bolts and two Deadly Disputes at the Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate prerelease draft. Prices are coming down now that the set has arrived, but a few weeks back those cards were going for $5 each! I actually passed on a third lightning bolt and kind of regret it.