I've been working on a blog post with a couple footnotes that I think should work fine, but inexplicably don't. Also, is the inline single square bracket form the only way to do footnotes or is there a way to do longer referenced ones separately?


📷 Mary got me some cool custom comic book coasters for Christmas this year!

Randomly watched a family/holiday themed Dennis Quaid sitcom on Netflix last night called Merry Happy Whatever and found it simultaneously dumb, predictable, and enjoyable. It was pretty weird to watch a show with a laugh track again- I feel like Netflix should offer a toggle.

The new cat is an elite hide and seek player and likes to spend part of his day hiding and chilling. We just spent over a half hour looking for him (while fearing he had somehow escaped outside); I eventually found him napping behind a bunch of boxes underneath our bed.


📷 One day, backyard, one day…


📷 Last second New Year’s Eve picture.

Starting off the new year with some morning rpg gm preparation. My oldest son's been after me to play something for a while, we're going to try out Tiny Dungeon 2E [gallantknightgames.com] because it's rules light, but still interesting.

One of my sons worked on one for quite a while this afternoon, but it's probably disintegrating even as I type this.


🍺 Stone Brewing's Fear. Movie. Lions just might be the best double IPA I've ever had. Great flavor combination that in no way gives away the fact that this is an 8.5% alc/vol beer.

Another unseasonably mild night to close out the year. We had four or five inches of snow this morning, but it turned to rain before noon and now we're in the low 40s F.