Several inches of snow is on the way this afternoon. Contemplated stopping to get gas on the way into work this morning since I'm down to my last 50 miles or so, but I was already running a little late so decided to wait. Hopefully I won't regret this choice later!


📷 “Gray steel”

Lots of coworkers lost family over the holidays and we've had several cards go around. I have no problem jotting down a quick note of condolence, but I absolutely despise having to find the next person to pass the cards onto. Only office curmudgeons were left the last two times.

🎶 Lyrics for The Mandalorian starting at 1:10 when the horns come in:

All alone on the Outer Rim… he's the Man- dalorian
Never takes his helmet off… he's the Man- dalorian
Man-do, Man-do, Man-do…

He's the man who hates all droids… he's the Man- dalorian
Baby Yoda is his ward… he's the Man- dalorian
Man-do, Man-do, Man-do…

📷 Birthday breakfast for dinner!

🏃‍♂ Just did a quick walk around the building to see what the conditions for my planned short lunch run will be: warm and incredibly bright out- going to have to break out my sunglasses for this one!

The macOS Application security model in Catalina is so broken. I dragged an App into Applications, authenticated it with my admin account, and it still only worked for the original account until I removed the attribute and added +rx for everyone.

📷 iPad stack.

Yeah, after a mild December and January a year ago more conventional winter weather really hit Spokane in February, and also excessive freezing rain (which is unusual) to the point of multiday school cancellations.
