Security Theater


Security theater, martial law, and a tale that trumps every cop-and-donut joke you’ve ever heard.

Pretty compelling arguments from Clark over at on how ridiculous and self-defeating it was to shutdown Boston on Friday while the final Boston Marathon bombing suspect was still on the loose.

Olynyk NBA Bound


“I don’t think people knew at all what was going through my mind,” Olynyk said. “It was definitely a seesaw, teeter-totter effect. A week ago I was leaning toward coming back. I really wanted to and thought it was the best thing.

“It’s really hard to gather your thoughts. It seemed like every person I talked to my view would change. I didn’t know whether that was a sign to stop talking to people or do I need to talk to more people. In the end, this was best decision for me.”

🏀 I was pretty convinced midway through the season that Olynyk was going to leave with a year of eligibility left; he was playing so well and already had his degree. But after the season ended and more and more time passed without an announcement I started to to have a little hope that his heart would lead him back to Gonzaga for one more run. I think he's made a sound financial decision and I hope he enjoys more success than the other GU early entrants have. At this point it appears that he has the most NBA potential of any GU player I've seen to date, but time will tell.

Epic Episode 7 Filibuster


📺 Patton Oswalt's epic Star Wars (plus Marvel and Greek expanded universe) sequel filibuster for Parks and Recreation.

Wired Mathowie Q & A


Matt Haughey has a short Q&A in the 20th Anniversary issue of Wired.

Matt on the why the community at Metafilter works well:

For anything someone tosses out, there’s a really high chance that one in 10,000 people have done that exact same thing. But it’s not so many people that you’re just yelling into the abyss.

I should really stop by there more.

( is the new incarnation of the web based outliner that Dave Winer and Kyle Shank have been working on since forming Small Picture back in December. The huge feature it debuts is DropBox integration. It’s simply a matter of authorizing the app and you can create, work on, and store opml outlines in your DropBox.

DropBox is looking less like a feature or a product, and more like a Cloud OS every day.

MultiMarkdown Composer 2.1 Beta


I think MultiMarkdown Composer 2.1 has been out since the middle of February, but I just realized it today and there are some pretty major additions.

MultiMarkdown Composer 2.1 has several exciting new 'big' features:

  • Improved support for making the best of application sandboxing
  • Support for tracking changes to a document and comparing different versions of a document
  • Export directly to ePub

I'm particularly interested in trying out the last two features.

Keep Calm and Carry On


The Boston Marathon Bombing: Keep Calm and Carry On

Bruce Schneier:

We need to be angry and empathize with the victims without being scared. Our fears would play right into the perpetrators’ hands — and magnify the power of their victory for whichever goals whatever group behind this, still to be uncovered, has. We don’t have to be scared, and we’re not powerless. We actually have all the power here, and there’s one thing we can do to render terrorism ineffective: Refuse to be terrorized.

Seattle Scorned


Jerry Brewer on David Stern's Seattle Suckerpunch:

At the end of another heartbreaking NBA result, David Stern taunted us.

"This is going to be short for me," he told reporters in Dallas on Wednesday. "I have a game to get to in Oklahoma City."


Ouch, indeed.

Resurrecting the F-1


Fascinating story on Ars Technica about how a group of young engineers at Nasa have been studying the peerless F-1 Rocketdyne engines that powered the Saturn-V rockets that took us to the moon with an eye towards recreating updated versions using modern technology.

It's Not a Web App


I've been using (and liking) on my computer for a few weeks, but I didn't realize it was a fully functional mobile web app as well.

I’d go as far as to say the best weather App in the world right now is a web app. I may be biased, of course, but the fact that Forecast is even a contender is kind of a big deal. It raises the question: why aren’t there more high quality mobile web apps that have the look, feel, and performance of their native counterparts?

Between the service itself and this recent blog post they're making a pretty good argument for a lot more innovation in the mobile web app space.